MATH 4803 (HP, LEY), Fall 2023
- Place and time: Clough 129, Fri 2:00pm-4:45pm
- Instructor: Anton Leykin
- Office: Skiles 109
- Email: (talking in person is preferred to email)
- Office hours: 2:00pm-3:00pm on Wednesdays, or by appointment
- Goals:
- learn the card game of bridge;
- review selected topics in discrete mathematics: logic and probability theory;
- apply the latter to the former;
- develop probabilistic intuition.
- Learning resources:
- some are (or will be) posted in Bridge Resources and Math Resources;
- some materials will be handed out in class or posted to Canvas.
- Homework/Quizzes/Exams/Project:
- several bridge and math problems will be assigned each week; turn in by the begining of the next class;
- quizzes will take place at the beginning of the class;
- each quiz will include at least one (similar to) homework problem; the quizzes will be taken by randomly assigned groups;
- teams of 4-5 people will be formed before the second half of the semester;
- a team will be assigned projects either of math nature (e.g., tournament movements, math of shuffling, etc.) or that of bridge (e.g., add-on conventions, nonstandard defensive signals, etc.)
- Grades: A = 90+%, B = 80+%, C = 70+%, D = 60+%.
- The total % comprises
attendance/participation 10% homework (checked, not graded in detail) 30% ten quizzes (taken in a random group of three students; graded) 30% two projects (2-3 page team report; short presentation in class) 30%
- The total % comprises
- Tournaments:
- The second half of each class meeting will feature an individual or team tournament.
- It may be followed by a discussion and some game analysis.
- The tournament performance will not affect the grades.
- The final is... a tournament! It counts toward participation.
- The winners of the tournaments would receive (small) prizes!
- Attendance:
- Every student is expected to attend the entire class period (barring unforeseen emergencies: e.g., medical, personal, internet connectivity, etc.)
This is dictated by the nature of the class (e.g., it may be impossible for a team that is missing more than one player to play a tournament). - We will have an ample number of breaks in the class (time to stretch, go to the bathroom, etc.)
- Every student is expected to attend the entire class period (barring unforeseen emergencies: e.g., medical, personal, internet connectivity, etc.)